Amanda Lacey
I am a mother to three beautiful cherubs (who keep me on my toes), a wife to an amazing man and also run my own boutique PR agency. My lifestyle is very family orientated; busy during the week with clients, school runs and business events and on the weekends usually quite relaxed - I like to spend weekends as a family, doing family things, close to home. Both my husband and I work during the week so it’s important to us that we soak up as much family time as possible on the weekends.
How do you define your style?
Evolving! My life and my actual body shape has changed after three kids; not for worse but not for better either! So has my taste. That’s one reason why I am loving Fashion Alta Moda – High Fashion For Hire, as I can experiment with high-end and see what works without committing to thousands of dollars. Depending on what I am working on, during the week you will see me in a full power suit, RM Williams jeans and a jacket - or a causal dress.
Who is your style icon - is it one or many?
I loved Michelle Obama’s wardrobe when she was First Lady - I am not a waif, so I often look to other women who are more athletic for inspiration. Potentially embarrassing for the trashy tv factor but love Fallon from Dynasty!
What is your signature style piece?
I love a good bag and shoes! I am lucky that my husband has great taste and bought me some beautiful bags over the years, my two favourite are both LVT - one is yellow and the other pink and black. I also love my gold Gucci sandals - they are the perfect heel height for a busy day. I seem to have an issue with buying black shoes.
“Buy the shoes and bag and rent the dress – is a motto I can relate too”
Where do shop - in stores, or on-line?
I am a bit of a researcher for big ticket items, I will stalk on net-a-porter before purchase. I also shop a lot for workwear at Scanlan and Theodore, I can always find something that fits and looks good. Carla Zampatti also works for me. I’ve also become a lot more aware of our impact on the environment so I have been off fast-fashion for a while, those clothes always end up in the charity bag. I’d much rather rent a statement piece and buy a classic that I know I will wear forever.
How do you experiment with your style?
Renting has been working well for me. I am on the committee for a SCHF fundraiser The Diamond Event and last year I wore an amazing dress by Joanna Oritz (check that!) from FAM that would never have picked for myself. The stylist presented it to me and when I put it on I was in love! It was also a piece that I wouldn’t wear again as it was so stand out.
What is your favourite piece on the FAM site?
I am obsessed with this Delpozo Gown and would love to wear it to my next Black Tie Charity event. To loan Luxury designer Dresses, that I know I will only wear once is a game changer for me. I know can experiment with my style a little more.
I can’t wait for black tie events to come back!
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F.A.M.'s Style File is a celebration of the taste-makers of Australian style. If you are feeling inspired to explore your personal style, luxury designer rental is the perfect way to experiment with your look by trying new designers, styles, colours and prints as often as you wish without committing to long-term ownership. Experience the joy of wearing vs owning! For all your designer dress rental needs from event dressing, to cocktail parties, to dramatic black-tie gowns, Fashion Alta Moda has you covered.